Author: steven

4 Outfits Female Real Estate Agents Should Consider After Work

Working as a realtor requires you to be very keen on your dressing. Clients can judge you within seconds of meeting, depending on how you are dressed. Your appearance is crucial when at the office or doing field work. But of course, you have another life after the job. Should you continue wearing the same formal outfits to the gym, parties, and other social functions? To avoid the monotony of office wear, here are some suggestions to revamp your wardrobe as a realtor.


No pants could be more comfortable than leggings. You can wear them alone or under a short skirt. Sporty tights by are really cool. Anytime you are not closing house deals or doing the showings, put on the best leggings. You can have them for workouts, going out, or just chilling at home.


When it’s hot out, you have a perfect chance to flaunt another side of you besides being a realtor. For instance, when heading to the beach, some ribbed biker shorts would look good on you. You want something flexible when having fun at the shore.

Graphic Tees

Very simple and comfy, graphic t-shirts are a must have in a realtor’s wardrobe. While you might wear branded t-shirts at the office, you want to have different versions during your off days. Graphics are attractive whether it’s a witty text or humorous image on your back. You can distinguish yourself from the crowd while reflecting your personality with a graphic t-shirt.


Your real estate company probably doesn’t advocate miniskirts at work. But these incredible outfits that make you feel good as a woman. When going to a party, do not shy off revealing your beautiful legs. Forget a little about maintaining a professional look after work. When shopping, you have nothing to worry about bending over because there is no buyer around!

Using Accessories To Create Home Appeal

Whether you are a homeowner that just wants to spruce up their home, or if you are going to put it on the market for sale there is a lot that you can do with home accessories.

Type of Decor

A lot of people think that in order to show their home at its best that it means investing in a lot of lavish furniture and expensive items. Yet, a lot can be done with cheaper alternatives. Small items like quality collectibles that can be found through resources like Lladro can turn a dull looking room into something spectacular. It puts the finishing touches on a room and creates the type of environment that is enjoyable. For home sellers, it can create the right mood for prospective buyers. They see the potential that the room has even if they don’t have the same items to use if they were to buy the home.

Other Resources

For those who want to sell their house quickly, they soon learn that they have a lot of resources available to help them. Now with virtual selling of real estate its important to learn about virtual staging which means it has to have web appeal.

Learning Tips and Tricks

When it comes to selling the property a lot can be learned by others who have had success at selling their homes. Even though every home is different there are some basics that comes to selling property that are the same.

Everything Counts

The exterior of the home is just as important as the interior when it comes to home selling. Using outdoor accessories can provide the same benefits for creating an appealing look to the property.

Top Real Estate Listing Sites

With lots of real estate listing websites on the internet, any property owner or agent would be spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing where to list their property. That said, there sites that have already established a good name for themselves and you may not need to think twice when it comes to making your selection. Some of those sites include:


Love Zillow or loathe it, but it is a site that really deserves to be on top irrespective of who is creating the list. Zillow occupies the hearts of millions of real estate sellers and buyers, not only in the United States, but in other parts of the world as well. The website has at least 100 million properties in listings, including properties for rent and sale.

This is a giant listing website where you can list your real estate property for sale or rent and sit back to wait for customers to come. If you want to buy or rent a property, it is still the go-to. The National Association of Realtors also use this site as their official listing platform. Like Zillow, is comprehensive in terms of listings, with up to tens of millions of properties.


Owned by Zillow, Trulia has a lot in common with its owner. Like its parent, the site aims to be a one-stop destination for those looking to sell or buy real estate properties. Unlike Zillow, however, Trulia has a stronger emphasis on community engagement and education.

It is one of the most visited listing sites out there, with at least 12 million home buyers. Compared to the previous three, is still a young and upcoming platform, but with over 4 million listed homes for sale, this site clearly deserves a place on this list.

How Landlords Can Cut Property Energy Costs

For most landlords, reducing expenses and maximizing profits is the ultimate goal. To achieve this goal, staying on budget is important. With monthly energy bills being one of the costly expenses that landlords and property managers have to deal with, finding the cheapest energy rates is just as vital. However, there are other strategies you can implement to reduce energy consumption on your property, besides taking advantage of decent rates. As a landlord or property manager, you may need to discuss with tenants about the importance of cutting energy consumption. Most of them will be open to the idea as, energy consumption tends to be in their (tenants) hands, in most cases.

Hire Professional HVAC Maintenance Services

As the HVAC system gets older, its energy consumption gets higher and higher. Having a professional check and maintain the unit could just be the best way to cut its energy consumption. A professional will carry out a thorough inspection of every part of the system, including air filters and ducts, to ensure it remains energy efficient.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

One of the worst mistakes tenants do is forgetting to switch off the HVAC system after use, leading to wastage of lots of energy. Installing a smart or programmable thermostat will help to prevent this problem as the system will go off automatically as programmed. This does not only help tenants to control energy consumption, but it is also a modern aspect that pulls tenants to your property.

Install Clotheslines for Air Drying

A standard clothes dryer consumes thousands of watts an hour; hence, it is important to scale down the equipment usage. Installing a clothesline to allow tenants air dry their clothes is a simple yet a great way of reducing dryer-related energy costs. Plus, it helps to extend the life of the dryer.

Fix Draughty Doors and Windows

Windows and doors are used on a daily basis, and as such, they are prone to wear and tear. Draft issues are one of the most common problems experienced with doors and windows. If the windows or doors are allowing air to escape through cracks, it would mean increased energy consumption, which puts a strain on the HVAC system. As a property owner or manager, it is important to conduct routine checks just to give your property a clean bill of health as far as draft issues are concerned.

Finding a Buyer

You have located a property for wholesale and have finalized everything with the owner, so what next? It’s time to look for a buyer. You’re not looking for a first-time buyer; you’re looking for a contractor or real estate investor to buy the property and possibly do some necessary renovations.

Finding a real estate buyer has to be a quick process. Remember, as a wholesaler, you have entered a contract with the property owner, and you must do your business before the contract expires. As starter, chances are that you won’t have a list of potential buyers as you will need time establish a reputation in the market. However, there are a couple of ways to find buyers, without necessarily paying extra cash. They include:

  • Emailing investors that you already met in meetup events
  • Distributing flyers in your neighborhood
  • Listing the property on free sites, such as Zillow and Craigslist

Once you start receiving calls from potential buyers, it is important to save their contacts, even if they won’t buy the property at that time. This will help you a great deal when sending out your subsequent listings.

Marketing Real Estate on Social Media

In an era where smartphones are so trendy, the love for social media has never been stronger. In fact, most people hardly spend a day without visiting social media, and this trend is likely to continue at least for the foreseeable future. With popular social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook getting more and more members by day, it makes a lot of sense to take advantage of social media marketing.

While it is possible to build your own brand as a real estate agent and look for clients on any social media site, Facebook and Twitter are definitely the most popular and reliable platforms where you can market your business. Both of them allow you to either develop a “sponsored” post or create an ad for your listing, without having to spend a huge chunk of money. The sites also allow you to choose who sees your adverts; hence, promote targeted audience. This is especially important for real estate agents who want to target clients from specific geographical locations. Facebook goes even a notch higher to allow you target audiences who may “move” in the future. This means it (Facebook) allows you to narrow down your search result even further.

Marketing Your Real Estate Using Traditional Forms

Despite technological advancements that have given rise to the digital marketing platforms we see today, the importance of traditional marketing cannot be written off when it comes to real estate marketing. Traditional marketing tools can be the cheapest, yet a great way to reach out to potential buyers.

One way real estate agents can get started with traditional marketing campaigns is the use of open house signage. Imagine how difficult it can be getting people to follow your online property listings or subscribe to your email list. With open house signage, it is a lot easier to draw the attention of passers-by to your property. Remember, seeing is natural, as they say, and it could be difficult for anyone to avoid reading your sign once they set their eyes on it. Although some of them may not buy your property immediately, they may be potential future buyers or may pass the word to potential buyers.

Open house signage is of different types, including Feather Flags and A-Frame Signs. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages that you will want to put into consideration when making your choice. To boost the chances of lead generation, you will want to install your sign in a high traffic area.

Why Appoint a Property Manager?

Being a landlord may be time-consuming and stressful, especially when trying to manage an embarrassment of property on your own. You will not only be dealing with tenants and legal matters, but also managing your investment property and well-being of your houses. To avoid all these commitments, it makes sense for you to entrust someone else with the responsibility of taking care of your property. Let’s take a peek at how landlords benefit from property managers.

Tenant Selection

Tenant selection is no easy. It involves conducting background checks to know the previous behavior of the tenant and understanding their level of responsibility. This process calls for due diligence and needs time as rushing things could lead into getting a wrong tenant, who may not pay rent on time. Property managers have what it takes to filter tenants and get it right. They will conduct a rigorous background check before they can rent out your property.

Conflict Resolution

Conflicts between landlords and tenants are not only a common phenomenon but also very stressful. If not resolved in time, they could adversely affect your property profitability. Property managers have experience and expertise dealing with such conflicts while, at the same time, protecting your financial interests.

Property Maintenance

Living without the worry of property maintenance and repairs is the dream of every landlord. Unfortunately, you can’t escape this responsibility as a landlord. Like any other property, rental property undergoes wear and tear, over time. The wear and tear will even be faster if you have reckless tenants. To save yourself the trouble of property maintenance, you will need to appoint a property manager.

Tenant Retention

Getting a good tenant is more difficult than you could imagine. So, when you get one, it is important that you don’t lose them unless it is absolutely necessary. If your tenant gets disgruntled with the quality of service, there are high chances that they will move out of your property. Vacancy rate will definitely rise when you’re taking longer than normal to fix a drainage problem, air conditioner, electricity problem, or any other property related problem that affects the tenant. A property manager will ensure that these issues are promptly dealt with, leaving your tenants satisfied.

Frees You Up

This is perhaps the most obvious reason why you will want to appoint a property manager. From communicating with tenants to marketing vacant houses to coordinating repairs and maintenance – not to mention a dozen other tasks – it can be overwhelming to handle all of them and pay attention to other personal commitments. With a property manager, however, you will have all the time in the world to attend to other tasks as they handle all issues related to your property.

Tips for Staging Your Home

Whether you are an interior designer or you are a first time seller, staging your home can make or break the sale, and can enhance or increase the value and appeal to potential buyers. Here are some hacks and tips for staging yours, or any home, which will help save money, time and that will help make the process as efficient as possible:



  • Stage the most focal areas; if you are short on time, cash, or both, make sure to focus on the areas which are the most visible, focal and ultimately crucial to buyers. The rooms known to be the most appealing and focused on for buyers include the living room, master bedroom and the kitchen.
  • Make the space relatable but not overly personal; it is essential that buyers can see, visualise and picture themselves living in the home. From cooking dinners to watching movies to a cosy bedroom, a buyer has to be able to imagine their lives in the space. This means removing traces of your own life, including family photos, etc. You can easily use things such as ikea couch covers to help make the space more open, de-personal, yet still inviting.
  • De-clutter; get rid of clutter which doesn’t add value or appeal to a room. This doesn’t necessarily mean throwing away your belongings, but perhaps packing up nick nacks, toys, extra décor, and games, etc. Space looks bigger and more open with less stuff in it. If you have a garage, try putting extra things in there, or use it as an opportunity to purge your belongings.
  • Tidiness does not equal cleanliness; make sure to grab your bleach and all your favourite cleaning products, and make the house sparkle and shine. Tidying is no replacement for cleaning; there is no substitute for walking into a genuinely clean home. This means the tasks you may have been putting off for a while, such as cleaning the fridge, vents, or curtains, etc. Investing in a professional can take the guesswork and effort out of it.
  • Neutral is better; if you are investing in furniture, or décor, etc. for the sole purpose of staging, go with neutral colours such as black, beige, or grey, etc. Pick colour schemes and shades which go well together. These pieces can also be easier to use in different or multiple spaces, generating a better return on investment, or sold if you no longer need the furniture after staging your home.
  • Practice a walkthrough; have a friend or family member come and walk through and give you a fresh set of eyes. This can provide you with valuable insight and feedback to help with last-minute touches. This can also help when you are so far invested that you may not be able to remove yourself and see the space objectively.

Home Renovation Ideas

Renovating your house is like breathing a new life into it. It serves to rekindle that excitement spark, which usually goes away as a result boredom that comes with a prolonged stay in a familiar environment. Yes, a long stay in one environment is enough to make even a paradise lose its charm. Besides the charm it brings, renovation upgrades increase the value of your property, making it easy to sell it at a premium, if you want to. As a property owner or manager, here are some renovation ideas you could invest in to turn your home into a perfect haven.

Spruce Up the Garden

Do you see an outdoor space with a garden around your house? That is a nice place to read a novel, a newspaper, or even relax and unwind after a hectic day. Thus, you will need to spruce up the garden to make your outdoor space more appealing. This is especially important in spring as it eliminates any signs of winter damage. You could start by cleaning up the entire garden to get rid of all dried leaves, flowers, twigs, branches, and any other winter leftovers. You can then prepare the soil and plant your crop, which could be your favorable vegetables.

Renovate the Patio

Your patio will definitely lose its appeal if it is not renovated. Being an outdoor space, the patio is so vulnerable as it takes the hit from destructive elements, such as sun rays, rainfall, and wind. Flowers and plants are what forms your patio’s life; hence, they will need special attention. Sweet flower scents create serenity in the area, making the space perfect for relieving stress and unwinding. Adding a water feature such as a bird bath will help entice the birds into the patio, adding beauty and life to it. The addition of a canopy, a rug, and some matching colorful cushions makes the patio even more appealing. You could go a notch higher and decorate your patio with an embarrassment of tiki torches, drum tables, sculptures, and Chinese jars. Ensure that the chairs and tables are well repaired or replaced as needed.

Renovate the Garage

Perhaps, your garage has sustained some serious beating from the stored junk and needs renovation. Putting it in order could be a tiresome task, but it will be worth all the hassle. Of course, the clutter-filled space can be used for other purposes. You will first need to remove all the junk from the space. Check the garage floor for any cracks and repair them as needed. Repaint the walls to give them a new look and install proper lighting for good ambiance. Check every part of the garage to ensure it is up to the mark.